If you have any pics, email to ahspioneers@gmail.com

AHS/STA Class of 1962 - 45th Reunion

Friday, October 5, 2007 - Tim & Joe's - Pictures 1-30

Friday, October 5, 2007 - Tim & Joe's - Pictures 31-60

Saturday, October 6, 2007 - Koke's - Pictures 1-27

Reunion Booklet

Saturday, October 6, 2007 - Koke's - Pictures 28-53

Click on Image to Enlarge

Hold mouse over image to identify

Cherie & Rich McClelland, Joe Rios Joe & Mrs. Rios Ron & Elaine Turski, Thiem Flynn, Kathy Shalapin, Mary Ellen Johnston, Mike Flynn

Tony Yovandich, Dan Whealon, Terry McKeon, unknown, Mike Cassin Shirley & John O'Connell, Cherie & Rich McClelland, Tom & Janet Gagen Unknown, Dave McIlvoy, Terry Doyle, Fr. John Manahan, Leanna (Palsgrove) McIlvoy, Jim Eros

Unknowns Walt & Judy (Culpepper) Unger, Mrs, & Larry Roewe, Karen & Charlie Stufflebean Ruth & Jim Sirko, Kathy Shalapin

Unknowns, Pat Boze, unknown, Sharon Rodriguez Carole Gaylo, unknowns Louise & Jerry Resmann

Unknown, Julie Buser Dan Whealon, unknowns Bob Hamlin, unknown

Mo Zollner, Ruth McMorris Glo Gober, Ruth McMorris, Bob Boze, Nicole Decker Jim Sirko, Paul Kalicki

Bob & Judy Kult, Jerry Soehlke Flo Gober, Ruth McMorris, Nancy Baro Mike Valentine, Betsy Hamlin, unknown, Donna Schrage

Cos O'Sullivan, Ray Heinzel, Charlie Stufflebean, Larry Hoffman Unknown, Bob & Mrs. Galas John Allsup, unknowns, Julie Buser, unknown

Walter & Lillian Ruegg Walter Ruegg, Jim Dammrich